After the Craptastic Compo release in 2016, and a joke full release during the same year. During the Summer of 2020, The New Dimension is pleased to announce a complete full game with a proper loading bitmap, title screen and different sub level screens to play on each level.  Granny's Teeth has finally become a full game. Released now :)

This game works on PAL and NTSC machines and is also fully compatible with theC64 mini/full size computer.

Poor old Granny Hegarty. She was looking after her grandchildren until it was bed time. She gently tucked them in to bed, and went to bed herself - dropping the false teeth into a glass by her bed side. Alas, the next morning comes by. Granny wakes up and finds that her teeth are missing. It turns out that the children got up early and played hide and seek with them and chucked the teeth in to a fish bowl. The kids also ransacked Granny's house. Raffles the dog has been set loose, and Tiddles, the cat is on the prowl. ... and who let that toy plane, spider and giant wasp in to the house? Also little did Granny know was that her house was built above a swimming pool.

Your task is to help poor old Granny retrieve her teeth by locating them from the fish bowl. Watch out for the animals and insects, and other hazards. If you hit any hazards, you will lose a life and be thrown back to the start of each level.


[4K Craptastic version]

Programming and idea: Richard Bayliss
Graphics: Saul Cross
Music programming: Richard Bayliss

(C)2016 The New Dimension

Programming, 1x1 font and idea: Richard Bayliss
Graphics: Saul Cross
Logo charset: Cupid
Loading picture by: Pinov Vox

Music and sound effects: Richard Bayliss
Tape loader: Martin Piper and Richard Bayliss (Generated and modified in tapetoolbuild V1.0.0.7)

(C) 2020 The New Dimension

This game, and its content is classed as free digital software. TND Games consents copying, sharing, modification/improvements and respectable broadcast of this production. However TND Games does not consent any part of this production to be used for physical or digital reproduction for sales or marketing of this production, nor its other productions without written permission from TND Games.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorRichard of TND


Download 4.2 kB
docs.odt 27 kB
Granny's Teeth [TAPE].tap 374 kB
Grannys_Teeth_[2020].d64 170 kB

Install instructions

Click on the ZIP archive to download, and use any zip file extraction software compatible. Place folder on to your hard drive for use in VICE, CCS64, or on to a USB for the Commodore 64 with external hardware (or Ultimate 64). This game should also work on theC64,  and theC64mini without having to make any configurations to the file, since DISK fastloaders are not used in this production.

It is strongly recommended that when playing the disk version of this game, you keep the disk image attached. This is due to a hi score save routine, which updates high scores to your disk. If you wish to reset the high scores, then use a C64 directory editor such as Dir Master to remove the high score file. A new hi-score filename will be written when you next run the game.


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Very nice game and cool idea. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:29:46. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂


I liked this one, here is my tribute to this game.


Beautiful and fun game.👍🏻

Do you like my picloader?😉

Thank you. Yes, the pic loader was funny :)

🙂😊👍🏻Thanks Master!


Richard Bayliss hat zusammen mit Saul Cross einen ganz tollen Platformer rausgebracht! 😀

Die aufgemöbelte 2020 Version macht richtig Spaß und ist schön anzusehen. 🕹

Auf meinem YouTube Kanal habe ich es im Rahmen der C64 Spielzeit vorgestellt. Schaut doch mal vorbei.


Thanks for sharing - I've played your first version time ago - and I've downloaded today this one.
I really loved your game :-)