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Awesome game !!

Enjoyable and well-made. Great job Richard! Oh music was good too.

As always, we expect only greatness from you Richard. Congrats !

Gra sie swietnie zapowiada ,i nie moge sie doczekac az pokaza pelna gre na tegorocznej imprezie Retro i zeby w tym roku juz nic nie pokrzyżowało odbycia sie tak zacnej imprezy

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"Translated to"
The game promises to be great, and I can't wait until he shows the full game at this year's Retro event and that this year nothing will stop such a good event

Thank you. I'm sure you won't be disappointed. It took me about 3 months to develop and put together


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This looks Great, Can't wait to play it:)

Hopefully some time in the summer you'll get to play it. I have currently reserved it for Reset Magazine Issue 14's Mix-I-Disk. The deadline for submissions is near to the end of June 2021, but the game won't be released on this page until after the mag is released - All of which is for free to download. It has been quite a lot of fun making this game in co-op with good buddy Hugues, who stepped in to do the graphics.


Definetly your work will become another great shootem up classic for Commodore 64. One question just for curiosity do you programm for Atari 8 bits too ? We love Commodore 64 but we have realized that Atari 800 xl / 65 xe has great works too. You could expand your legacy in video games. It´s just only a question, suggestion and idea. Thanks in advance for this game. Take care.

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Thank you.

The only 8-bit computer I programmed on in my lifetime was the Commodore 64.

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I think you can too Richard. I know you would handle it. Best wishes.