Update to Tape Master Pro V4.0 release

Hi there,

Although there have been no newer versions of Tape Master Pro V4.0. I thought that it would  be nice to  include all of  the other tape mastering utilities which uses a similar source. I have added a new zip archive that contains the following tools:

- Loader Game Tape Master Kit V1 (Containing Mootilation and Happy Blocks)
- Loader Game Tape Master Kit  V2 (Containing Blitz-A-Load and Square Pit)
- Loader Game Tape Master Kit V3 (Containing Break-A-Load and Zap 'n Load)
- RB's Tape Master Kit (Copy runnable single file games to tape with just a simple loader)
- Tape Master Pro V1.0 
- Tape Master Pro V2.0 
- Tape Master Pro V2.1
- Tape Master Pro V3.0
- Tape Master Pro V4.0
- Thunderload multiload companion (Handy for multi-load tape mastering)

Also added is the Kernal Basic Linker,  in which you can link your BASIC  runnable programs or runnable BASIC SYS programs for compatibility with the tape loaders. It may also on most existing tape mastering programs. Remember to use $0810 as jump address or 2064 if using tools that require decimal instead hexadecimal SYS addresses.

Hopefully a newer version of Tape Master Pro should come later on this year, where music can play for longer duration during loading and the return of the optional Press Spacebar/Fire on loading picture. Also availability to use hi-res as well as multicolour bitmap images. It really depends on time available.


The_Complete_Tape_Master_Tools.zip 1.2 MB
Apr 23, 2023
Kernal_Basic_Linker_v1_0.d64 170 kB
Apr 23, 2023

Get Tape Master Pro [Commodore 64]

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