Tape Master Pro V5.0 Released

I am pleased to announce that after just over 3 years Tape Master Pro has a brand new version released. This time it is Tape Master Pro V5.0.

Although the tape mastering tool consists of some regular features featured in previous versions of the utility. There are also some new features implemented. A couple of which were suggested by users of the utility. Let me tell you first about some of the old features, improvements and new features that have been implemented into this version of the tape mastering software.

Old features
- Turbo tape loading system complete with smart checksum load error detection. This is indicated by a red border, and automatically stops the tape. You need to rewind the tape slightly, press play to continue should any load errors occur.
- Loading text bar, and colour wash feature.
- Custom flashing loading sprite. (Which can be loaded as a single sprite if you are bored with the tape icon)
- Loading scroll text
- Loading bitmap
- Plays music
- Wide choice of loading stripes colour scheme
- Masters files of up to 182 blocks ($0801-$BFFF) which can be runnable from BASIC 
- Optional loader that opens the top and bottom border 

Improved features
- Returned ability to press spacebar or fire exit the tape loader after loading as finished (suggested by users). Now set as an option.
- Returned the ability to draw a loading bitmap while loading from tape (also suggested by users). Now set as an option
- Returned custom init/play addresses for loading music. (Music must be relocated at $E000-$EFFF or under, but load address must start at $E000). 
- Different runnable tape master, similar to V3.0
- Compatible with custom fast load software including Action Replay and Retro Replay V3.8Q (Makes mastering time a lot quicker)

New features
- New look menu / options screen.
- Support for Hires bitmap (OCP Art Studio) as well as Multi-Colour bitmap (Koala Paint)
-Optional music volume fade out support using either the SID chip volume ($D418) or a custom jump subroutine that will fade out the music. *

*Your music player must support this feature before you can use it. Music Assembler and Voicetracker can use $D418 fadeout, where Goat Tracker can use volume fade support. Make sure to read the manual of Goat Tracker to learn how to use it. It can be very useful for this tape loader. Music is best set at highest volume, before fading out.


Tape_Master_Pro_V5_0.zip 76 kB
Jun 01, 2024

Get Tape Master Pro [Commodore 64]


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So, if let's say I wanted no scrolling message, no music, no open borders, no loading sprite, no bitmap, just a colour combination of my own choosing, is that supported?

No, TMP V5 doesn't support this.