SEUCK Title Screen Maker V1.8+ [Bug fix update]

Hi All,

I just want to announce a bug fix and I have just released V1.8+ of the SEUCK Title Screen Maker. I decided not to call it V1.9 as it only fixes one major bug. 

The end screen had crashed on pressing fire after completing a game. For some weird reason it was jumping to the wrong address. Instead of jumping to the hiscore check/title jump routine, the end screen tried to jump at $0816, which previously was part of the main editor's menu. Since that wasn't needed in the game, I edited the disk save function to patch the jump address after the end screen directly to the main title screen/hi score checker routine - only in the standard game.

Good news is that if you used V1.8, you can patch your title screens from that version using this version. No actual code in the main title screen has moved anywhere. 

I do not intend to make any more updates to the actual SEUCK Title Screen Maker itself in the forseeable future. This is because I feel that I do not need to do that :)

Anyway, I hope you have fun with the utility. 

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Jul 21, 2024
SEUCK Titlescreen 722 kB
60 days ago

Get SEUCK Title Screen Maker V1.8+ [Commodore 64]

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